Spring has taken the reigns from winter here in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. It isn’t an instant change but a gradual pivot in a warmer direction. Each day there is a little more snow that melts, a new bird is seen flying in the sky and the forest slowly thickens as the branches are dressed in leaves.
We don’t notice a changing season from moment to moment, but only when those gradual variations have transformed enough that what we see is different to that of what we remembered.
A changing season provides the perfect catalyst to make gradual changes to our own life. What are those little changes that we keep putting off to tomorrow – a daily walk, getting to bed early, a weekly coffee with a friend, healthy eating, less TV?
We won’t notice the change to our life from moment to moment, but only when those gradual variations have transformed enough that what we see is different to that of what we remembered.
A changing season is saying farewell to the past and welcomes the unfolding future.
Life is a changing season: Live immediately